But alas, my measley earnings as an intern cannot afford me such luxury. I shall report back when I finally DO buy something with my paycheck-oh and tell you all about my intership ofcourse. Anyhoo I'm off to celebrate now, ciao!
Now this is my type of literature: Chanel (the Metropolitan Museum of Art Publications version). It was just lying around on the desk, and being the Chanel devotee that I am (seriously, remember this?), ofcourse I couldn't resist but take a peek . . . . .
I liked how they showed pictures of old vintage Chanel designs. It just struck me how I would not have guessed that these were designed many decades ago, because I would so totally wear them!
But for most of the part I was not very impressed by the book and the contents itself. They spend pages and pages devoted to writing about Chanel and her designs in the most long winded way possible! I wish they just had short meaningful words underlining and explaining the pictures! But anyway, if you have a chance and u love Chanel (or are really bored) do flick through it and decipher the meaning within.
Barneys/Harrods Girls: We LOVE C Label and can hardly BELIEVE that we’re actually talking to THE Chai Vasquez. Tell us a more about yourself. What were doing before you launched C Label?
Chai: Well, before C LABEL I was honing my skills with a select group of well-respected companies. Being that I started very young, I had to be a sponge and learn my craft the best I could. Once I felt that I had the knowledge and proper skills to launch C LABEL…well, you know the rest.
B/H Girls: Where are you from, and where are you living right now?
Chai: I was born in Oaxaca, Mexico but have lived in the US since I was 6 months old. I was fortunate enough to have some amazing parents that moved us around to expose us to other cultures and the beauty of this world. Throughout my life I have been fortunate to have lived in many places in the world but now I call L.A. my home where I am based today [although with the craft I can also call the world my home].
B/H Girls: What made you launch C Label? And when was it launched?
Chai: C LABEL was a dream that I had for years but was waiting for the right time to launch it. C LABEL launched in the Spring of 2003 as a very small boutique collection. Throughout the short lifespan of the collection we have been able to overcome the obstacles of maintaining the direction for it and wowing our audience with it. Starting a label from scratch is a tough ordeal but I was fortunate to find the right people to make it happen. Today I am lucky to be surrounded by a group of talented and hard working people. My partner Nick, my assistant Tommy, my right hand man Chris, and a bevy of other designers that inspire me too. That is what makes C LABEL what it is today.
B/H Girls: What is the concept behind C Label shoes? Is there a consistent theme to it?
Chai: C LABEL to me means freedom of expression and the allowance to break every rule in traditional shoe design. Just take a look at the unusual materials that I use in my designs and you will see what I speak of. After all, what would be the fun in design if you can’t be innovative right? Depending on my moods in the season, that is what it becomes. A set concept I have never had. All I have ever wanted was for my designs to remain classic, not dated. In other words, you will want to wear them season throughout season as they are neither too trendy nor will they go out of style in the forthcoming seasons.
[And then we had a lovely little tea break of scones, cakes, cookies and all the works]
Stay tune tomorrow for the rest of the interview about Chai's preferences, inspirations and the future of C Label.
Barneys Girl and I have been very busy in the past week -Barneys Girl is interning, and I'm doing community service, learning driving and trying to heal my terrible skin. And tonight, we're going to have an Italian dinner (knowing our friends, it wil probably be at some terrible restaurant,) and then maybe some clubbing. I did manage to find another quiz worth doing. So go over to CosmoGirl.com to do this quiz: What do your clothes say about you?
Despite the quiz's title, the quiz is a basic profile of your dressing style. Yes, I know you probably already know your own style by this age, but it's always fun to do these fun quizes and see what they say about you! Here are the results of this blog's writers: