Monday, November 30, 2009
Um, I Want A Pterodactyl Sweater!

Sunday, November 29, 2009
Faux Fur Bohemian Chic

What is on your Christmas list this year? Here is one thing that you should add. The quality of faux fur has come a long way and there are some great pieces out there. Add some bohemian chic with this vest by Graham & Spencer $328 or try this cropped style Venus In Faux Furs Jacket $198. Both available at Free People.
Thursday, November 26, 2009
Black Friday Sales New York

If you are hitting the streets the Friday after Thanksgiving for some shopping steals here are some sales to check out....
Intermix - Online and In-Store Additional 25% Off Sale Merchandise
New York and Company - From 11/25 to 11/30 receive 50% off absolutely everything including sale items.
Shopbop - Deals to be had Friday 11/27 to 11/30 Spend $300+, Save $50, Spend $500+, Save $100, Spend $700+, Save $150, Spend $1,000+, Save $225.
Bird (Brooklyn) - 25% - 40% Off Fall Merchandise.
Built by Wendy - 30% off select items from the fall collection.
Rebecca Minkoff - Select items on sale.
Charlotte Russe - 25% off all clothing and accessories in stores and online 11/27.
Three Sheets to the Wind - 30% Off Select Linens Wall Prints and Organic Cotton Totes.
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Man Fashion: Ed Hardy Christmas Gifts

Today you are easier to find the ed hardy clothing. Real ed hardy clothing
Wisdom is available to be the Ed Hardy men's Swim Trunks clothing. Whether you want a costume or sewn into the shirt as we know it. It is definitely one talented designer that seems to be winning over the world.
So before we end this post, we recommend this ed hardy clothing
New Posters for NINE
Have you seen any commercials for the movie Nine? It looks incredible. Kate Hudson! Penelope Cruz! Fergie! Nicole Kidman! A MUSICAL!!! I can't wait! Check out the three new posters just released ... Nine opens nationwide on Dec. 25.
5 Thanksgiving Films We're Thankful For
Thanksgiving is about family, food, fun parades, and fabulous heartwarming films! This holiday, celebrate the season with our five favorite Thanksgiving flicks.
Miracle on 34th Street, 1947
Miracle on 34th Street is a true holiday classic. Beginning with NYC’s famous Thanksgiving Day Parade, the film takes us through an old man’s struggle to make six-year-old Susan Walker believe in the spirit of Christmas. As he plays the role of Macy’s very own Santa Claus, Kris Kringle tries to convince everyone that he is the real deal. Whether you choose the original film or the contemporary version, there’s no doubt that you'll be thankful for this holiday film.
Planes, Trains, and Automobiles, 1987
In this hysterical comedy, Neal Page (Steve Martin) is desperately trying to get home for Thanksgiving. His only travel companion for the holidays ends up being a blabbermouth slob of a man, Del Griffith (John Candy), who tells bad jokes and is never short of advice. Wishing he could be with his family, we relish watching Page spend the holidays with his new friend. This film just goes to show you should be grateful for all your friends -- new and old!
Home for the Holidays, 1995
Claudia (Holly Hunter) is already having a rough holiday season. She has lost her job, found herself in a compromising situation with her soon-to-be ex-boss, and discovered that her daughter won’t be home for Thanksgiving. Now, on top of everything else, she has to deal with the lunatic antics of her crazy extended family. How will she survive? We love watching this group of misfits come together to celebrate the happiest time of the year. Home for the Holidays also stars Robert Downey Jr., Anne Bancroft, and Claire Danes.
The House of Yes, 1997
Parker Posey stars as Jackie, a mentally unbalanced young woman who wants to be Jackie-O. When her brother comes home from college for Thanksgiving with a new fiancé, Jackie goes into a rage. After disastrous events and unusual comedic antics, we realize that this whole family is off its rocker. Have a laugh with this very indie holiday film, and give thanks that this family does not belong to you!
Pieces of April, 2003
April Burns (Katie Holmes) is hosting Thanksgiving dinner at her New York apartment for her estranged family, which includes her dying mother. She struggles to fit in and give her family a delicious, flawless holiday meal. As they travel from Pennsylvania to April's Lower East Side neighborhood, we learn more about the unique, strained dynamic between black-sheep April shares with her whole family. Desite a broken oven and many comedic errors, this imperfect family bonds during a special holiday evening spent together.
Michael Kors and Lucky Magazine

The December issue of Lucky Magazine debuted this metallic totebag. The totebag is a designer collaboration between Michael Kors and Lucky. The Hamilton Chain Tote, has a classic shape and it's large enough to carry all that you will need to transition from the office to the holiday parties. $298 at the Lucky Store
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Going Green

An apparently good approximation, for those interested in such things: Ko's Liberty shade. The polish is too thick and is ultra matte (gross...I added a topcoat because I'm just not edgy enough), but hey, it'll get you pistachio green fingernails. Which is fashionable! Check me out:

You're welcome!
Celebrity style: dresuri/colanti din dantela
Vedetele rich and famous isi accentueaza picioarele sexy cu dresuri/colanti sexy.
Megan Fox si-a asortat colantii feminini cu un cardigan si cizme de calarie, Shenae Grimes i-a combinat cu o camasa supradimensionata pentru un look lejer, iar Olivia Palermo a dat un aer sic tinutei cu dresurile dantelate, in timp ce Miley Cyrus a mers spre stilul rock purtandu-le cu biker boots, rochie mini si multe bratari.
Dresurile din dantela pot fi purtate si la outfit-uri office. Cheia este ca restul tinutei sa fie foarte, foarte simplu.
Karl Lagerfeld le-a folosit in colectia couture pentru Chanel.

Megan Fox

Olivia Palermo

Shenae Grimes
Miley Cyrus

Taylor Momsen

Taylor Swift

Whitney Port

Monday, November 23, 2009
Creeaza si doneaza pentru cei care conteaza
La acest eveniment sunt chemati toti cei care doresc sa intinda o mana de ajutor, insa intr-un mod inedit : cei prezenti vor crea accesorii pentru Craciun, accesorii care vor fi apoi oferite spre vanzare, in cadrul evenimentului. Fondurile astfel obtinute vor fi folosite pentru a ajuta 80 de copii scolari si prescolari din Comuna Braiesti, judetul Buzau.
“ Acest eveniment este continuarea unui vechi proiect care a avut mult success in vara lui 2009 – RFB Creative Party, insa, de data aceasta, cu un scop caritabil. Asocierea cu Clubul 4x4 Romania face ca ajutorul sa ajunga in locuri atat de vitregite, incat nici nu am visat ca exista. Sunt absolut sigura ca vom fi surprinsi de creativitatea si de darnicia bucurestenilor”, Roxana Radu - fondator RFB.
Toate accesoriile si ustensilele necesare pentru eveniment sunt donate de catre RFB si Club 4x4 Romania, iar membrii celor doua comunitati isi vor dona creatiile, alaturi de public si de invitati. De exemplu, designer-ul vestimentar Ludmila Corlateanu a pregatit accesorii din blana ecologica, iar designer-ul de accesorii Agata Seceleanu va dona ingerasi creati din papusi foarte mici si pene de pasare.
"In fiecare an organizam cate doua actiuni cu caracter umanitar si ajutam acolo unde este nevoie. De cele mai multe ori, banii stransi se duc in locuri extrem de izolate, descoperite in expeditiile Clubului 4x4 Romania, unde nu este curent electric si cu acces imposibil pentru alte masini inafara de cele de teren", Ligia Popescu – Club 4x4 Romania.
Asadar, sambata, 5 decembrie 2009, te asteptam pe calea Victoriei, nr.41, la Orange concept store, intre orele 11 si 17, fie sa iti pui in valoare talentul creativ in scop caritabil, fie sa ajuti o cauza nobila, cumparand accesorii de Craciun.
Romanian Fashion Bloggers (RFB) reprezinta bloggerii romani de moda, fie ca acestia lucreaza in industria modei romanesti, sau sunt doar pasionati de moda. RFB se considera a fi o comunitate, un blog colectiv si informational si o platforma unde se poate comenta liber despre moda in diversele ei forme - de la fotografie la modelling.

Sunday, November 22, 2009
I Can't Handle The Return Of The Bodysuit

Man Fashion: 2 Button or 3 Button Men Suits

2 Button Men Suits
So if you just stepped into the world of the urban working class and struggling with your wardrobe essentials. It should be mentioned early on that the casual laid-back clothing style no longer applies to this decade. It is a must that you are well-dressed and primped for work. It must be mentioned that the 2 button men suits

Men’s fashion, for this year and the next, are all about classic styles and suits are moving back into the mainstream of men’s clothing. You have a lot of choices to pick from; the right style, design, color, and fabric.
To be perfectly suited up, find a suit that fits you, not too loose and not too fit as it can ruin the style that you’re aiming for. To be on the safe side, opt for 2 button men suits

3 Button Men Suits
So if you're out for the weekend club scene and it takes a lot of time and effort to just blend in with the crowd yet stand out as well. The differences between casual jackets or blazers from 3 button suits in terms of occasions and places where you can wear them are fairly indistinguishable. Now that men are becoming dressier and acutely aware of their own personal style, casual dressing now involves suiting up.
Perfect for everyday wear, the 3 button suit is flexible for random mixing and matching that appeal to the wearer. Of course personal style is personal style, yet trying to come up with a fashion statement may not be a very good idea altogether. There are still rules to follow.
To blend in with the hip crowd on men’s fashion, take time to adapt the latest trends and the 3 button suits that is the current fashion necessity for men nowadays. Only the most confident fashion enthusiasts can carry on wearing 3 button suits in a fashion-forward sense. Although both 2 button and 3 button suits are glamorous and timeless, the 2 button has seen better times over the last decades, leaving the 3 button suits to be used sparingly. The 3 button adds balance to tall men who, by the way, are the most common users of this type of suit. The extra number of buttons allows a full button up without risking looking short.
Seriously, be it 2 button or 3 button men suits is very much depend on your height, 2-button suit adds length for your torso since the V-point is much lower. So any man with a short torso would benefit from 2 Button Men Suits
New Product Review: Vaseline Sheer Infusion

I recently had the opportunity to try out the newest product by Vaseline. The new Sheer Infusion with Stratys-3 is a body lotion designed to infuse and suspend moisture across all layers of the skin. It truly has a different feeling on your skin. Instead of other moisturizing lotions with can feel thick, goopy and sticky, Sheer Infusion feel virtually weightless. It packs a powerful moisturizing punch, leaving your skin soft and subtle all day. It comes in three different variants Vitamin Burst, Botanical Blend, and Mineral Renewal. The Vitamin Burst is my favorite, it has a light refreshing citrus smell. Learn more about Vaseline Sheer Infusion and the latest Stratys-3 technology.
Friday, November 20, 2009
Anna Sui Nightmare FitFlop Ugg Mash-Up Thing
Victoria's Secret Fashion Show 2009
Pentru covorul roz Heidi a ales doua rochii mulate, care ii evidentiau formele, una gri, asimetrica, semnata de Roberto Cavalli, pentru sosire si una din PVC pentru after party.
Cel mai asteptat show al sezonului a avut loc la Lexington Armory in New York si, pe langa vedeta absoluta, Heidi Klum, le-a avut pe podium si pe celebrele Marissa Miller, Doutzen Kroes, Alessandra Ambrosio, Miranda Kerr, dar si 5 "ingeri" noi - Emanuela de Paula, Chanel Iman, Rosie Huntington-Whiteley, Lindsay Ellingson si Candice Swanepoel.
Incepand cu 1 decembrie spectacolul Victoria's secret va fi difuzat si la TV.

Heidi in corset si o jumatate de rochie Jane Law, pantofi Giuseppe Zanotti si bijuterii Mouawad

Marissa Miller a purtat sutienul "Fantasy bra" de 3 milioane de dolari, creat special pentru Victoria's secret de celebra casa de bijuterii italiana Damiani, cu un pandantiv dintr-un diamant de 16 carate, in nuanta sampaniei, in forma de inima

Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Stylish Winter Coats

As the temperatures start to drop in NYC, stylish winter coats becomes top of mind. Here are some styles that really stand out and put a unique spin on the standards. Shown: Alice + Olivia Petal Coat with Belt $596, Lark Coat $328 French Connection, Filippa K Laura Coat $575.00.