I find it pretty humorous that Leigh Lezark, the pretty face at the center of the Misshapes DJ crew who's been pictured in a few fashion magazine spreads, is held up as some kind of arbiter of downtown cool, getting invited to go personal shopping at Barneys with the New York Times and garnering an Edie Sedgwick comparison for her trouble, and yet--and yet! Here she is pasted up all over the corner of Houston and Avenue B, hawking not even DJ bags, but shitty-ass messenger bags. Sold not at Barneys, mind you, but Wal-Mart. Considering how much they cost, I wonder how much she and her identical-tool minions got paid to sell out in such an obviously, spectacularly uncool fashion. Or maybe they just want to live like common people....

East Sport Shiny Wrap Messenger bag, $12.96 plus the sum total of your scenester cred.
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