Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Suri's poop inspires art

The sculptor who brought us a birthing Britney on a bearskin rug and Kate Moss doing yoga is introducing his newest masterpiece: Suri's Bronzed Baby Poop. The work was reportedly inspired by Suri's first solid meal and the fecal matter that followed. A spokesperson for the gallery where the "piece" will be displayed says, "Babies mostly breastfeed for the first four months, so a baby's first meal of solid food may be a baby's first meal at the dinner table. A bronzed cast of baby's first poop can be a meaningful momento for the family." The sculpture will be on display through September and then be auctioned off on eBay for charity. "It's partially a statement on modern media that 'celebrity poop' has more entertainment value than health, famine or other critical issues facing society and governments today," the gallery spokesperson said, "and also the absurdity of the media coverage on Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes's new baby, Suri Cruise, which has reached stellar proportions, eclipsing far more notable events with more substance."

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