Tuesday, November 7, 2006

Britney files for divorce!

Britney Spears has filed for divorce from Kevin Federline, citing irreconcilable differences in the papers filed today in Los Angeles Superior Court. Spears is seeking custody of both of the children the couple share together, one-year-old Sean Preston and two-month-old Jayden James, with reasonable visitation rights for Federline. "Yes, it's confirmed," an LA Superior Court spokesperson confirmed to People mag. "It was filed today, on the grounds of irreconcilable differences." The separation date listed on the papers is yesterday, and the popstar requested each party pay their own legal fees and waives her right to spousal support. Spears also requested that certain assets be confirmed as separate property, including "miscellaneous jewelry and other personal effects." Sources told TMZ, who broke the news, that there was a "sting of events" that prompted the split. Spears has hired divorce lawyer Laura Wasser, who previously represented Angelina Jolie, Nick Lachey and Kiefer Sutherland. The marriage date listed on the divorce petition is cited as October 6, 2004, which differs from the date of the highly publicized "secret" ceremony the couple hosted on September 18 of that year, meaning the ceremony was not the official, legal wedding.

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