Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Jennifer talks about her "nose" job

Jennifer Aniston spoke to People mag about recent plastic surgery rumors and her guest turn with on Courteney Cox's new show Dirt. Some excerpts:

On what it was like working with Courteney again: "We had a ball. It was completely fun. I forgot just how much fun was have together in the work world."

On her on-set lesbian kiss with Cox: "It's a good-bye kiss. I don't honestly think people want to see Rachel and Monica have at it."

On plastic surgery rumors: "It's funny. I had [a deviated septum] fixed - best thing I ever did. I slept like a baby for the first time in years. As far as all the other [rumors], as boring as it sounds, it's still mine. All of it. Still mine."

On what makes her happy: "Beginning a new day. When you see what else is going on on the planet, it's pretty hard now to go, 'Wow, thank you.'"

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