Is it going to be absolutely impossible this fall to find a pair of shoes that have actually managed to escape the drawing board with their toes intact? Peeptoes have moved from sandals to pumps to boots and Oxfords to like EVERY SHOE EVER, and I'm not all that sure I'm feeling that. Observe:

($175, Corso Como,
Why? I just don't get it! Is it that hard to go the extra 1.5 inches and cover the toe? You're not gonna be wearing these in 90 degree weather!

($405, Claudia Ciuti,
Why? What? NO!
These wold be totally otherwise cute(sy-ish), but again, WHY the no toe!?!?!?

Nine West)
I actually like these, because they have a sort-of cool vintage look and don't just look like an otherwise regular pair of contemporary shoes that happened to get their toes sliced off. And I love the heels.

(Apprx $83,
These, however? WAY too much going on here.

($96, Jeffrey Campbell,
Of course, not as what's going on here. (What the FUCK
IS going on here!?!?)

Pour la Victoire, Nordstrom)
Oh my Lawd Gawd. They're not inexplicably open-toed, but there's still no excuse. Soooo New Jack Swing-era. Gah.
Remember: random peeptoe = just say NO!
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