FOR REAL, A REAL PEACOCK walked into a STORE... called PEACOCKS! In Scotland, where apparently peacocks come equipped with the mental capacity of rocket scientists. THIS IS THE GREATEST SINGLE DAY OF MY LIFE! I'M GONNA LIVE FOREVER! THIS IS THE BEST, MOST AMAZING THING EVER!
And speaking of amazing, apparently so is Ian Peacock, who not only has written for a billion great publications but LOVES Persian cats (my first kitty was a glorious Persian named Romeo, hallowed be his name. He lived to be 19 and was an angel amongst kitties, even when he graced us on this very earth, for which he was always too good) AND is actually named "Peacock." I think I'm in love.
+ More of my peacock obsession as it relates to fashion and accessories here.
Also, these peacock Keds are cute if not a little too literal. But okay for you maybe? I didn't mean that in a bitchy way. We're still cool, right?
And speaking of amazing, apparently so is Ian Peacock, who not only has written for a billion great publications but LOVES Persian cats (my first kitty was a glorious Persian named Romeo, hallowed be his name. He lived to be 19 and was an angel amongst kitties, even when he graced us on this very earth, for which he was always too good) AND is actually named "Peacock." I think I'm in love.
+ More of my peacock obsession as it relates to fashion and accessories here.
Also, these peacock Keds are cute if not a little too literal. But okay for you maybe? I didn't mean that in a bitchy way. We're still cool, right?
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