Monday, August 21, 2006

KFed panned by critics and hiphop community

Mr. Britney Spears is being panned by critics and members of the hiphop community for his debut performance on national television last night. "I couldn't even sit through that KFed performance for the so-bad-it's-hilarious factor. It's just bad," said one viewer. Elliot Wilson, editor of XXL magazine, missed the live performance but caught it online, calling it a "YouTube disaster." "I think we just ignore him," Wilson said. "He's a joke, basically... I just don't think he gets it. He doesn't get that he's Britney's man and it's hard to take him seriously." The editor of King magazine agrees, saying, "You know, kinda like Britney's second - I don't even want to say second in command, but - he's like the Britney boy. He's like Mr. Spears, and it's kinda hard to get over that perception." KFed performed his new single Lose Control, with lyrics like, "Don't hate me because I'm a superstar! And I'm married to a superstar! Nothin' come between us no matter who you are!"

celebrity nation has to side with the majority on this one - I couldn't sit through it either...

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