Tom Ford se expune au naturel in noul numar al revistei
Out, revista de moda si lifestyle pentru gay. Fostul designer Gucci socheaza prin declaratii, dar si prin imagini. Pentru promovarea parfumului sau
Tom Ford For Men a apelat la imagini cu continut sexual explicit (mai multe pe site-ul
Tom Ford despre femei:
"I love women, I just don't fall in love with them, but I'm attracted to them, I find their bodies beautiful, and I can relate to them as the persued, because of course as a gay man you understand what it's like to be taken - to be an object to your partner - as well as what it's like to be the aggressor."
Tom Ford despre a fi gay:
"I have to say that I don't think gay is the most attractive word; If I were art-directing the creation of a word that would describe homosexuals, I think I would have tried to find another one. Gay makes us sound silly and frivolous, which is probably where it came from originally - it was first used in a Cole Porter song in the '30s - and I think it was probably a bit derogatory, and so it's not a word I necessarily like, but it's what I am, whatever."

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